PRG Expands to St. Louis, MO!
We are excited to announce that we will be launching our first out-of-state region in St. Louis, MO at the beginning of September 2018. This came about after St. Louis radiologist, Catherine Appleton, MD, Chief of Breast Imaging at the Washington School of Medicine heard about PRG in October of 2017. She became passionate about bringing the services we offer to her clients. Heather Salazar, CEO and President of Pink Ribbon Girls, came around to this idea and the brainstorming began. Heather Salazar says, “While St. Louis didn’t seem like the natural place to start this national expansion, the more I met with this amazing group of people - who are now the advisory board, the more it became apparent that this was going to work. They have the passion and drive that it takes and are willing to use the organizational model and duplicate it there.”
St. Louis-based, Schnucks Supermarkets, has committed to donating one hundred percent of the food, making this decision to take services out of state even easier. Dr. Catherine Appleton shares, “I believe PRG will have a profound impact in the lives of my patients and their families. St. Louis has a rich history of rallying around causes and I am confident there will be additional individual, corporate and community support for the PRG organization. I see patients every day waging battles against cancer and they need Pink Ribbon Girls.”
St. Louis Regional Director, Cory Smallwood was hired on August 1, 2018. Welcome to the team, Cory!
You can follow Pink Ribbon Girls St. Louis happenings on Social Media:
Facebook group:
Instagram: pinkribbongirls_stl
PRG St. Louis fundraising Events will be listed under the Events tab at as they come up!
A special thank you to Schnucks Supermarket for their generous support of Pink Ribbon Girls and our future clients of St. Louis! We are very grateful to have Schnucks as our first partner in St. Louis!