Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of services do you offer?

Free meals for the household, transportation to and from appointments and treatments related to your diagnosis, housecleaning essentials including natural cleaning supplies and a lightweight vacuum as well as peer support and education.

I don't live in one of your service areas. Can I still get help?

While we aren't able to offer all of our services, Peer Support is open to anyone going through breast or gynecological cancers anywhere! Check out our currently scheduled virtual events and sign up to participate.

Who pays for the services?

Pink Ribbon Girls' services are TOTALLY FREE for clients! The services are paid for through community support, individual and corporate donations and grants.

How can I sign up for support from Pink Ribbon Girls?

Talk with your nurse navigator, social worker or oncologist’s office and ask them to send in a referral. Or to get started, go to Request Services and fill out the form to connect to PRG for more information.

I am an oncology social worker/nurse navigator or work in an oncologist’s office. How do I refer a patient for services?

Reach out to our Programming Department at 937.490.8889. They can quickly walk you through the process and answer your questions.

I have a friend/family member going through cancer. How can I connect them to you?

Visit Get Support to learn more about Pink Ribbon Girls and how to sign up for services.

Who qualifies for help from Pink Ribbon Girls? 

Anyone currently undergoing treatment for any stage of breast cancer or gynecological cancer.

I’m a current client and need to pause my meals. How do I do this?

Please contact our Programming Department at 937.490.8889.

I’m a current client and need to cancel my ride. How do I do this?

Please contact your ride coordinator at 937.490.8891

What areas do you serve?

We serve an approximate 40-mile radius around Dayton, Cincinnati, Columbus, St. Louis, and San Francisco.

I've been helped OR my friend/family member has been helped by Pink Ribbon Girls. How can I support the mission and give back?

There are numerous ways to support Pink Ribbon Girls! From volunteering to donating, it all makes a difference. Learn about donating here and volunteering here.

I wish a service like this had been around for my "mom/sister/friend" a decade ago! How did you start?

Heather Salazar, current CEO/President of Pink Ribbon Girls felt the same way… read more about her story and PRG’s history in our History & Mission section.

I am in need of a wig, do you offer support?

Pink Ribbon Girls provides meals, rides to treatment, peer support and housecleaning or natural cleaning supplies to those currently in treatment for breast cancer or gynecological cancer. Your insurance company may be able to provide resources for those who have hair loss due to chemotherapy or radiation associated with a breast cancer or gynecological cancer diagnosis.

I would like to donate a wig to PRG. Do you accept wigs?

We do not accept wigs as donations. Please reach out to your local community service nonprofit that may accept these types of donations.