Pink Ribbon Girls exists to serve every person and family affected by breast and gynecological cancer.

We’re here to help!



Pink-toberfest will be held on Friday, October 8, in downtown Troy, Ohio. Events will jam-pack the evening with a 5K; local food truck favorites; fundraising activities; craft beers, sponsored by Moeller Brew Barn; and FREE concert performances by Clark Manson and Darryl Worley.

“I feel truly blessed to be getting this support from Pink Ribbon Girls. I can’t believe there is something like this out there for someone going through this like me!”

-Jodi B.

Our Mission.

Pink Ribbon Girls exists to serve every person and family affected by breast and gynecological cancer. We provide free healthy meals, rides to treatment, housecleaning essentials and peer support so no one is alone in the fight.

Our Services


Free healthy meals for the client and their family members.


Free transportation to doctor appointments and treatments.


Free housecleaning kits with Branch Basics® all-natural cleaning supplies and a lightweight, easy-to-use vacuum.


Peer support and cancer education- in-person and virtual options.


“What PRG does can’t be replicated by the healthcare system. The systems can try, but are unable to provide the level of individual care and attention that I got on my rides. PRG legitimized my cancer journey and honored me in such a profound way as an individual…”



Click your preferred region(s) to sign up for our quarterly, regional newsletter in that area.

Our e-newsletters are a great way to stay informed on upcoming events, important updates, client stories, donor spotlights and more! Rest assured, there will still be plenty of PRG-wide information packed in each issue.

PRG serves individuals and their families going through breast cancer or a gynecological cancer in our 5 current regions: Cincinnati, Columbus, and Dayton, OH; St. Louis, MO; and the Bay Area, CA. Our services are available in a radius surrounding each city.

• We support all ages – we currently serve clients ranging in age from 21 to 102 years.

• Healthy meals and nutrition is an important part of our clients’ journey to recovery.

• While almost half of our clients receiving meals are food insecure, our services are available to anyone, independent of socio-economic status.

“PRG is genuinely as good as you WANT it to be - and as good as you HOPE it might be.”


PRG serves those with early-stage cancer and late-stage cancer diagnosis. Our Simply Fight™ Program is developed for early stage, while No Age No Stage™ broadens the support for late-stage clients.

We want to help those beginning their journey as well as those surviving and thriving to better understand their specific type of breast cancer, whether it is ductal carcinoma in situ, invasive ductal carcinoma, inflammatory breast cancer, or metastatic breast cancer.

Cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, vaginal cancer, and vulvar cancer are the most common types of gynecological cancers. While less prevalent than breast cancer, these clients are more often in our late-stage program.

“I look out my window and see the PRG car dropping off my patient.... My heart was filled with gratitude towards the selfless PRG volunteers and invaluable support.....PRG never stopped their services through the pandemic.”

– Jhansi Koduri, M.D., Hematology, Medical Oncology,
Sharing the fear she experienced for her patients needing treatment during Covid and gratefulness for PRG to provide services throughout.

How to get involved


Donate to PRG

PRG offers many ways to donate and become a sponsor.


Become a Volunteer

Sign up to get involved in your region as an individual or a group.


Develop a Partnership

Products and services that benefit PRG is a great way to partner with us.


Check out our online store

Proceeds from all merchandise go directly to supporting our clients.